Walking Through COVID-19

Robb McKinney and Dr. Paul Nussbaum take a psychological look at the effects of the pandemic and strategies for coping and conquering during this intense season.  They take to the street and ask us the very important questions, “What is your post-COVID resolution?  Will you let this journey lead you to positive life changes?”

Dr. Nussbaum is a board-certified psychologist and Founder of The Brain Health Center.  His presentations and books have impacted individuals and organizations worldwide.  His work as a “Life Caddie” finds him working with individuals including entertainers, athletes and CEO’s. For more information visit his website (https://www.brainhealthctr.com).

Listen here https://vimeo.com/417203533

Just Ask Mark!

Do you have questions about this article or Christian investing? We invite you to "Just Ask Mark"! Mark Minnella is president and co-founder of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. He designed the first faith-based professional designation program, Christian Financial Consultant and Advisor, in the industry. He has extensive background as a leader in the faith-based investment movement, is the founder of Integrity Investors, LLC, and the author of The Wall Street Awakening.”

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