Matthew Bahrenburg

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Matthew Bahrenburg
Biographical Info
I was born dead, but I’m much better now. I’m a born again Christian. Jesus Christ is my savior, and I strive every day to ensure that he is my Lord as well. I’m very active in my church, and lead Sunday school, and various small groups, as well as helping out wherever the need may be, (really, wherever the Spirit calls me to help out). From a professional capacity, I’m an attorney that graduated from the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1995, and I served as the enforcement attorney for the state of North Dakota Securities Department from 1996 to 2007. I joined CFD in 2007 and served as the Compliance Director until 2012, when I became the firm’s Chief Compliance Officer.
Start Date
April 18, 2024
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Scripture Reference
Romans 12:1-2
Professional Focus
Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI)
CFD Investments
CFD Investments, Inc. is a full service Broker/Dealer, and is affiliated with Creative Financial Designs, Inc., which is a full service Investment Adviser.